N头条>英语词典>negative equity翻译和用法

negative equity

英 [ˌneɡətɪv ˈekwəti]

美 [ˌneɡətɪv ˈekwəti]

n.  资产负值, 负资产 (资产值低于抵押款)



    • 资产负值, 负资产 (资产值低于抵押款)
      the situation in which the value of sb's house is less than the amount of money that is still owed to a mortgage company, such as a bank


      • 负资产
        If someone who has borrowed money to buy a house or flat hasnegative equity, the amount of money they owe is greater than the present value of their home.


        • At the moment, more and more American households are choosing the first as a way of dealing with the problem of negative equity, while more and more companies are being driven towards bankruptcy.
        • The large and growing number of homeowners with negative equity will increase the rate of defaults and foreclosures and therefore drive the downward spiral of prices.
        • House prices have fallen for five years, forcing many home owners into the negative equity pit.
        • By stopping the downward overshooting of house prices, the mortgage replacement programme would help all homeowners, including those who now have negative equity.
        • At the very least, this would rescue many homeowners from the nightmare of negative equity.
        • Once a home tips into negative equity, borrowers have less incentive to keep up on repayments.
        • Furthermore, the stabilisation of property prices has relieved, to a large extent, the problem of negative equity.
        • America has never experienced negative equity on this scale before.
        • Policymakers may worry about the effect of housing problems on unemployment homeowners in negative equity may not be able to move in search of jobs but the more important effect runs the other way.
        • The resulting economic shrinkage is leaving large swathes of property in negative equity.